A few quick anecdotes followed by a picture book this time. Who doesn’t love picture books?
The anecdotes:
1) I was able to meet an old friend from when I studied abroad in Western Australia that I hadn’t see for several years. There are few things better in life than meeting up with old friends.
2) Walking around in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, I ran into a former coworker who I worked with in California. She was there cause her sister just graduated from University of Wisconsin-Madison and it was graduation weekend. Sometimes it really is a small world!
3) I didn’t think my car locks if the key is still in the ignition to prevent you from locking yourself out, but apparently I was wrong cause I did it. This was in Big Timber, Montana. I told the woman at the gas station counter and she called the police for me to see if they could send someone. Within 15 minutes, the SHERIFF shows up with his kit and unlocks it for me. Only in a small town would a sheriff be available to unlock someone’s car. I thought it was hilarious but was certainly very grateful. Quick and free!
And the picture book. Enjoy!
giant cowboy wielding a shotgun…must be WyomingBighorn Canyon (I wonder what the model scale size would be relative to the Grand Canyon? 1:25?)what better place for me to fit in than with cowboys and bikers at the Cowboy Saloonthe endless prairies of Wind Cave NPtop of Harney Peak; though a modest 7,242 feet, it’s not only the highest peak in South Dakota but the highest peak east of the Rockies and west of the Pyreneesentering Rushmore where for a ridiculous $10 you can park at the entrance (not covered by the parks pass); but for a more reasonable $0, you can park 1/2 mile down the road and walk up; HA! No hussling me!the four wisementhe Badlands on their baddest behaviorhugging the ear of corn; behind me is the “only corn palace in the world”, which is in Mitchell, SD; I wonder if Nebraska’s pissed since THEY are the Cornhusker Stateas you can see, the palace consists of thousands and thousands of ears of cornbeautiful view of the Mississippi River from an outlook at Effigy Mounds National Monument in IowaQ: how do you know you’re making your way east? A: when Dunkin Donuts start to pop up regularlyhot weather finally! the dunes by the beach in Indiana (not kidding, I swear it’s Indiana)handstand score…8.7
0 thoughts on “8 States 1 Week = a lot of Random Shenanigans”
Very interesting, and so fun to read!! The pictures are great. I LOVE your “East” question and “Dunkin” answer. I will give it a 10 for that handstand.
Very interesting, and so fun to read!! The pictures are great. I LOVE your “East” question and “Dunkin” answer. I will give it a 10 for that handstand.
DUH Indiana has dunes. Come on now…we do border Lake Michigan for at least a few miles! On a clear day you can see Chicago across the lake.
Great writing, and even greater photos! Call me a wimp, but even if I could see the snakes, my a** would not be diving in!