About Me

My name is Bing Wu.  I’m a dad to two amazing boys and a husband to a wonderful wife.  We currently live in Delaware where I am a full-time teacher, but the Boston area will always be special to my wife and me.  (And Taiwan too, as that’s where I was born, and it has the best food!)

Ever since I was young, I worked with kids and loved it.  I always believed I would love being a dad.  Now that I am one, I can definitively say that I do love it.  Preparing to be a dad and once I became a dad, I read many blogs and articles on parenting with the vast, vast majority written by moms.  I decided as a dad that I have some (hopefully) interesting and valuable parenting things to say too.  In this blog, I write about parenting stories, family travels, and thoughts on parenting/kid related products.

If you’re interested, this blog also includes a handful of posts from an old travel blog of mine before I became a daddy.  You know, when I had no adult commitments and was able to travel to over 40 countries and 40 states.  Soon enough though, as the kids keep getting older, we’ll all be romping together to exciting, new places!

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